Spring Plant Sale
Early access sale begins on Thursday, April 10th, from 12pm – 4pm for Garden Members, and UNC Students/Faculty/Staff – get 10% off with UNC Charlotte ID or Member ID on Thursday! You can become a member online or in person at our sign-up booth!
Not sure what plants you’re interested in?
No problem! The best thing about the UNC Charlotte plant sale is the opportunity to talk with us about the plants — together we have over 100 years of real life experience with a wide variety of perennials, shrubs and trees!
Important: No early shopping will be permitted – the time before the start of the plant sale is important for our staff to set up the sales area. We ask that no one enter the plant sale area until a half hour before the sale opens (11:30 on Thursday and 8:30 on Friday and Saturday). This includes both checkout and pre-shopping and placing plants in hold areas. You will be (politely) asked to leave until the sale opens. There will be no sales prior to the opening times of the plant sale.

Thursday, April 10th : 12pm – 4pm (Members & Campus Community Only)
Friday, April 11th : 9am – 3pm
Saturday, April 12th : 9am – 2pm
Address: 9303 Martin Village Rd, Charlotte, NC 28262
The sale will take place in UNC Charlotte’s Lot 5

The Plant List Is Not Yet Available
Important: This list is not a guarantee that the listed plants will be available, and we may have plants available that are not listed. Inventory changes quickly. For the best selection, become a member here.