Christen Hoover

What's In Bloom December 20, 2018

Categories: News

From left to right: Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica), ‘Midnight Lover’ camellia (Camellia sasanqua ‘Midnight Lover’), Sasaba Tea Olive (Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Sasaba’), ‘Misty Morn’ Camellia (Camellia sasanqua ‘Misty Morn’), Burford Holly (Ilex cornuta ‘Burfordii’), Shishi Gashira Camellia (Camellia sasanqua ‘Shishi Gashira’), Balloon Milkweed (Gomphocarpus physocarpus), Japanese Andromeda (Pieris japonica)

Director's Report December 2018

Categories: News

News from Director Jeff Gillman: 

(click thumbnail for full text)

What's In Bloom 11-30-18

Categories: News

Top row (from left to right): Misty Morn Camellia (Camellia sasanqua ‘Misty Morn’), Yellow-Berried Nandina (Nandina domestica ‘Alba’), Burford Holly (Ilex cornuta ‘Burfordii’)

Bottom row (from left to right): Snow Flurry Camellia (Camellia x ‘Snow Flurry’), Nandina (Nandina domestica), Shishi Gashira Camellia (Camellia sasanqua ‘Shishi Gashira’)


Orchid Sale

Categories: News

Annual Orchid Sale

February 9-14, 2019


Why give roses when you can give a beautiful live orchid? Our annual Orchid Sale will run from February 9-14, 2019, during normal Greenhouse operating hours. Orchids will range from $10-50. An assortment of houseplants and succulents will also be available to purchase.

Special events during the sale: 

Sunday, February 10- Ganache at the Gardens: a Chocolate Celebration

Tuesday, February 12- Orchid Care 101 Workshop


What's In Bloom 11-2-2018

Categories: News

Top row: (from left to right) Camellia “Carolina moonmist,” Balloon Milkweed (Gomphocarpus physocarpus), Camellia “Jean May”

Bottom row: (from left to right) Camellia “Snow Flurry,” Camellia “pink icicle,” Yellow mum (Chrysanthemum)


What's In Bloom 10-26-18

Categories: News

Top row (from left to right): Chocolate tree (Theobroma cacao), Pink Quill (Tillandsia cyanea), Aloe (Aloe vera)

Bottom row (from left to right): (Euphorbia milii), Goldfish plant (Nematanthus crassifolius), Polka dot Begonia (Begonia maculata wightii)

What's in Bloom 10-19-18

Categories: News

Top row: (from left to right) Chrysanthemum (mums), pink Rhododendron (Azalea “Vibrant Pink”), Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (Calico aster)

Bottom row: (from left to right) Rhododendron ‘Conlep’(Azalea “Autumn Twist”), Rhododendron ‘Conlef’ (Azalea “Autumn Cheer”), purple Rhododendron (purple Azalea)

What's in Bloom 10-12-18

Categories: News

Top row (from left to right): Catasetum “Dark Gem,” “Spotted Dragon,” Catasetum tenebrosum var. Trulla X.

Bottom row (from left to right): Catasetum saccatum Christyanum, Catasetum “Jumbo Eagle,” Arrangement featuring all five trigger orchids.

What's In Bloom 10-5-18

Categories: News

Top row (from left to right): Coreopsis gladiata (coastal tickseed), Symphyotrichum ericoides (white heath aster), Osmanthus f. aurantiacus (orange flowering fragrant tea olive) 

Bottom row (from left to right): Anemone (anemone), Symphyotrichum georgianum (Georgia aster), Helianthus angustifolius (swamp sunflower) 


Poinsettia Sale Now Taking Orders

Categories: News

Now through November 1st, we are taking orders for Poinsettias for the holidays! 

Go here to order, and pick up at the Greenhouse on a designated day, either November 30 or December 1. 

All proceeds from the sale benefit the UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens and Greenhouses, where admission is always free!