A NEW GARDEN – demonstrating how to use native plants in the home landscape
We are excited to bring to life a new garden that blends our southeastern native flora, sustainable practices, and smart home landscape design together in a 1/5 acre showplace. The design for the “Native Plants for the Home Landscape Garden” artfully combines common home landscape features – wooden and stone terraces, low stone walls, gravel paths and a dry / storm water-fed streambed. The garden will showcase a variety of native plants filling common landscape needs such as for groundcovers, specimen plants, flower borders, privacy hedges, and foundation plantings. It will also feature a rain garden, native lawn and lawn substitutes and a mini-meadow planting. Our vision for this garden is to both inspire and inform visitors about the beauty, horticultural utility, and sustainability of the southeastern flora. The garden is currently under construction and, funding permitted, will be complete by the end of 2014. Funding for this project include grants from the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust, the North Carolina Native Plant Society, private donors, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. We are currently seeking funding to complete the project.
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